Robert (Bob) Walker, 56, of Lake Zurich, IL passed away on April 27th, 2013. Bob, known by some as “Buck” or “Showtime,” served Santana Equipment Trading Company as much more than just Director of Marketing and Public Relations during his two years with the company. While here, Bob became a beloved colleague, mentor, and friend to everyone. He brought a new sense of professionalism and corporate identity to a company undergoing major organizational changes, starting first with the expansion to Phoenix. Below is a list of the many accomplishments that Santana Equipment Trading Company would like to recognize Bob Walker for contributing to our business:
• Overseeing a seamless expansion to Phoenix through strategized advertising and promotion.
• Restructuring the company’s internship program to above-industry standards.
• Training new employees on basic principles of sales, marketing, and professionalism in the international business climate.
• Helping shape the company’s current branding and corporate image.
• Designing a new company website by incorporating elements of the new corporate image.
• Placing an increased value on analytical decision-making to evaluate expenses and reduce costs.
• Arranging valuable meetings and developing new business relationships for the company at ProMat.
• Pioneering the Santana “Viral Video Series,” and sharing his fun-loving personality with every video and promotion created.
• Getting Santana Equipment stories published in outlets such as Forklift Action, the Chicago Tribune, the Daily Herald, and more.
• Recognizing every employee, regardless of their stature within the company, by instilling the employee recognition programs, quarterly awards, monthly contests, and more.
• Making sure everyone’s voice was heard through the “Lunchtime with Showtime” program – which gave every employee their fair chance to provide feedback and bring their own improvements to the company.
Bob was a remarkable man, and the people at Santana Equipment Trading Company are all better for having known him. Bob was a kind, honest man of great honor and strength. He will be greatly missed, and we are all saddened by his passing. In honor of his memory, Santana Equipment Trading Company has created a plaque in his honor, and has developed a program to encourage health and fitness for employees. The employee recognition award will also be officially known as the “Robert Walker Employee Recognition Award.”