Trackunit is proud to announce that for its overall performance in off-highway telematics, Frost & Sullivan has honored the company with its 2018 North American Off-Highway Vehicle Telematics Customer Value Leadership Award.
Trackunit, a global leader in telematics technology and innovation, received the recognition as a part of Frost & Sullivan’s 2018 Best Practices Awards. Frost & Sullivan is a growth partnership company headquartered in Mountain View, CA.
According to Frost & Sullivan, Trackunit earned the award based on its well-equipped solutions and strategies to serve both direct customers and established OEMs.
“We are happy to honor Trackunit with this award,” said Gokulnath Raghavan, industry analyst, Frost & Sullivan. “Trackunit has a superior strategy of offering the best value to its customers compared to similar offerings from its competitors. Also, the company has a tremendous understanding of the OHV and OEM markets.”
“We are thrilled with the award for outstanding telematics customer value leadership,” said Jeff Cohen, Trackunit president. “Trackunit develops user-friendly telematics software systems and works directly with fleet operators to provide best-in-class services. Our strength is in our customer service—we offer our customers the best systems, services, and processes. This has proven advantageous when compared to other telematics providers.”
Trackunit uses Net Promoter, a common industry customer feedback mechanism to ensure high standards and a continuous focus on customer service. The management tool helps Trackunit gauge the loyalty of its customers and its relationship status with them.
After researching Trackunit’s value proposition, Frost & Sullivan found that Trackunit:
- builds relationships with OEMs and supports their ability to help connect the ecosystem easily for customers
- uses a mobile-first approach that takes data from hardware and connects the entire maintenance, safety, and efficiency metrics through mobile platforms
- controls its own hardware to help its pricing strategy stay extremely competitive in the off-highway telematics market
A report written by Frost & Sullivan details the requirements for the award. View the report.