The Material Handling Education Foundation, Inc. (MHEFI) is reminding applicants to get their scholarship application in by January 15, 2020.
MHEFI is an independent charitable organization that was established in 1976 with a mission to engage and attract students to the material handling and supply chain industry by providing financial support.
They provide scholarships ranging from $1,500 – $6,000 every year to students who are pursuing a material handling or supply chain career.
The Foundation will offer scholarship award opportunities to students who are pursuing a material handling or supply chain career. The student should clearly demonstrate dedication to achieving excellence, strong leadership skills, potential for future growth as a leader and persistence in the pursuit of education.
New this year, not only can traditional full-time college and university undergraduates studying one of their targeted programs, but member companies and industry associations (MHEDA or MHI) can apply for these scholarships too.
Scholarships are one-year awards, and former recipients may reapply each year if they continue to meet the eligibility requirements.
- Students who are:
- Employed at a participating industry association member company
- Family members of participating industry association member company employees
- Employed at a participating industry association
- Family members of participating industry association employees
- Students must be pursuing a material handling or supply chain career and be enrolled part or full time at a nonprofit college or university in the United States accredited by the Council for Higher Education.
- Applicants must be enrolled in school for the entire academic year (Fall 2020 and Spring 2021) without interruption barring illness, emergency or military service.
- Applicants must continue to work for the member company or association throughout the scholarship period.
- Applicants must be nominated by a member company or participating industry association (direct supervisor/manager or senior company official).
- Nominators should visit the website here to register and complete the online Nomination Form for the student.
- Once the student has been nominated, the student will be asked to complete the online application at One application allows students to compete for one of the many available scholarships.
For more information or to ask a question, you may contact Donna Varner, MHEFI Executive Director at