In the face of the chaos created by COVID-19, TVH Parts Company (TVH), known throughout the Americas as a provider of quality replacement parts and accessories for the material handling and industrial equipment industries, is working hard to do its part in bringing stability to a rapidly changing situation. As a crucial member of the supply chain to critical industries such as material handling and logistics, TVH is in an important position to help keep daily necessities such as food, medication and medical supplies traveling to where they’re needed the most. “Every day that we continue to ship parts, is a day that our customer can and will keep a machine in operation somewhere across the globe,” said Dirk von Holt, President of TVH Americas.
The company is making every effort to follow governmental regulations regarding social distancing, essential travel, and good hygiene practices, as well as continually monitoring the updates and making the necessary adjustments to ensure customers and employees are safe and healthy. TVH is working tirelessly to minimize the impact of a lack of replacement parts for these critical industries and ensure that our customers can continue to have access to the parts they need when they need them.
TVH has grown to become one of the most respected names in the material handling and industrial equipment industries with information on over 450 makes and 20,000 industrial equipment models. Our commitment to service, knowledge and product availability has made TVH the One-Stop-Shop for our customers. We offer more than 42 million products from 16 locations in the Americas and 72 locations globally.