The Industrial Truck Association (ITA) just announced that June 9, 2020, National Forklift Safety Day will be a virtual event this year.
“The impact of COVID-19 remains to pose challenges for our nation. Due to these challenges, this year ITA’s National Forklift Safety Day (NFSD) 2020 will be held as a virtual event on the same date and time: June 9, 2020, at 9:00 AM east coast time.” according to Heather Wilson at the Industrial Truck Association.
Wilson added, “NFSD 2020, open to everyone, video of speakers and presentations will be available for viewing on June 9, 2020, at 9:00 AM (east coast time) by visiting ITA’s web site ( and DC Velocity’s web site ( The format will remain the same with presentations from government representatives, safety experts, and industry representatives.”
The NFSD is now in its 7th year, National Forklift Safety Day remains an opportunity for the industry to unite behind safety and, perhaps this year more than ever, the need to reinforce the need for operator training.
Please visit this page for updated information on NFSD 2020.