Yale Materials Handling Corporation recently delivered a key presentation at the Ektron Synergy Conference in Washington, D.C. The session was titled “A Year in the Life of a Global Build Project” and outlined the challenges, successes, and insights of developing and deploying the Yale.com global website, which launched today. “The Synergy Conference was a great opportunity for Yale to share our knowledge and expertise with others using the Ektron platform,” said Kim Reaves, digital media manager for Yale. “The purpose of our new design and implementation of the Ektron platform is to better serve our customers with an easy-to-use site and helpful information regarding Yale® lift trucks and services. Not only do we lead in lift truck technology, but we also lead with our digital information offering about those lift trucks.” The presentation was one of the highest attended sessions, and most requested presentations of the conference and is available to view and download from the Ektron Synergy Conference website, which saw record attendance of more than 450 developers, marketers and content authors at its sixth annual event. Companies and brands added to the Ektron community during 2012 include the American Diabetes Society, Apartments.com, County of Sonoma, Houston Grand Opera, Mercedes Benz, New York State Bar Association, National Geographic Society, Phillips 66, Oxford Brookes University, SiriusXM and Virgin HealthMiles.