We’re just two weeks away from MFG Day 2021! If you’re a manufacturer and you haven’t done so already, it’s time to start thinking about hosting an event.
Amplifying the “Creators Wanted” message, MFG Day—which officially falls on October 1 but will be celebrated throughout the rest of the month—is manufacturing’s biggest celebration of the year, a chance for parents, students, and educators to step inside the industry and see everything it has to offer. It’s nothing less than our biggest annual opportunity to “solve the workforce–development crisis,” as MI Senior Director of Student Engagement Julia Asoni put it during a recent webinar.
Here’s what you need to know.
The crisis: Manufacturers will need to hire 4 million workers between now and 2030 to account for growth and fill positions left open by retiring workers, according to a recent study by Deloitte and the MI. Yet 2.1 million of those jobs could go unfilled because of the skills gap.
- “The solution is to inspire the next generation of manufacturers and educate students, parents, teachers, and the public on the important role that manufacturers play in our lives,” Asoni said.
Making a difference: In 2019, more than 325,000 MFG Day participants took part in 3,000 events across North America, Asoni noted. Afterward, 72% said they now believed “manufacturing provides an interesting and rewarding career.”
- MFG Day 2020 moved online due to the pandemic, but this year, it’s back in force and in person.
What can you do? Manufacturers that wish to host an event this MFG Day but don’t know where to start have come to the right place.
- In-person options: Facility tours, open houses, community gatherings and expos, roundtable discussions, and job fairs all make excellent events, Asoni said.
- Go virtual: Virtual events can be successful, too. Consider Zoom, GoTo Meeting, Instagram Live, Facebook, or a specific school platform (if working in partnership with a school). Interested in hosting a 3D-mapped, virtual experience for MFG Day? Contact NAM AVP of Strategic Partnerships Chris Schmitt at CSchmitt@nam.org.
- “What will participants do?” Engaging working employees during onsite tours is crucial, Asoni said. “Personal experience has the greatest impact on perception change, according to research.” So get creative when thinking through your visits and walk-throughs!
- “Whom do we invite?” Reach out to local schools and community-based organizations, such as nearby Boys & Girls Clubs of America. BGCA can be contacted for partnership purposes at partnerships@BGCA.org.
- Learn more about MFG Day through our full page of MFG Day resources. And listen to prior best practices shared by MFG Day hosts on a webinar hosted last month.
Register your event: Be sure to register your MFG Day events by the end of August. This will help people find them and sign up.
Calls to action: MFG Day event hosts should each have their own calls to action—steps that attendees can take to keep engaging with manufacturing. This could be signing up for a company newsletter, following the company on social media channels, or attending another event, such as a career day.
- This year, we’re launching a built-in call to action to engage students year-round. Stay tuned for more information in September!
Check it out: As MFG Day nears, keep checking in on CreatorsWanted.org. It will be updated and refreshed continually up to Oct. 1 with new MFG Day resources, along with updates on the broader Creators Wanted campaign to help inspire, educate and empower the next generation of manufacturing talent.
More support: Need a bit more help? Join us for some real-time Q&A during one of our upcoming MFG Day Office Hours.