As the only trade association focused on the third-party warehouse logistics industry, the International Warehouse Logistics Association (IWLA) created the Warehouse Safety & Risk Conference. This annual event, coming to Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 12 & 13, highlights the worker safety and workplace security issues warehouse operators face.
“‘Keep Your Best Asset (Your Employees) Safe’ is the 2019 theme,” says Mike McFarlin, CEO of M & W Logistics Group in Nashville, Tenn., and co-chairman of the event. “And that is exactly what our sessions aim to do for warehouse operators across North America. Applying what can be learned from 2019 IWLA Safety & Risk Conference speakers will reduce a warehouse’s workers’ compensation claims and help it become a more attractive workplace for retaining employees.”
Warehouse safety training means fewer accidents, better morale, higher productivity, and a greater ability to serve customers. IWLA sessions during the event will tackle an array of topics:
- Securing Your Facility;
- Keeping Employees and Your Warehouse Safe;
- Understanding Legalized Marijuana;
- Deescalating Dangerous Situations; and
- Unraveling Transportation Challenges.
- Add Bonus- many top vendors will be in the accompanying tabletop expo for IWLA Technology & Operations Solutions for Warehousing
The course attracts many participants who represent members of the IWLA Insurance Company. These members have attained some of the highest safety records in the industry through their involvement in and attendance at IWLA educational events. Warehouse operators are encouraged to learn more about the IWLA-IC.
“A safe and secure warehouse is a great place to work – and to grow in a supply chain career,” McFarlin says. “The Safety & Risk Conference gives warehousing professionals the tools and knowledge to keep their workers safe and their warehouses secure.”
Registration for the IWLA Safety & Risk Conference is open at