On this episode, I was joined by Mike Stein of Signode at MODEX 2022. I first spoke to Signode at ProMat 2019 when they had multiple solutions available to the market but they have since evolved to become an integrator as well as a solution provider. We discuss how that evolution came about and the importance of being able to provide end-to-end solutions for customers.
Key Takeaways
- Signode is focused on making sure that your products are getting packaged and out the door in the most efficient and optimized way possible. Originally they had started out focusing on packaging and different components of packaging which we have spoken about here on the podcast but they have been able to evolve in the marketplace as an integrator as well. They recognized the fact that they were providing components that were helping operations become more efficient but had multiple requests for end-to-end solutions which they decided to take on themselves. As an integrator, they are now able to take your operation towards automation from end to end from automated wrappers to ASRS build-outs.
- Mike and I discuss the importance of being able to provide end-to-end solutions and how that can be beneficial to the customer. Having this option for the customer allows them to move faster and smoother. Working with multiple different companies can result in disconnects between systems and products which may result in frustration and ultimately long-term issues. By getting end-to-end solutions from one provider, a company can know that they are going to be on the same page and that the integration of different components will run smoothly.
The New Warehouse Podcast