In an emergency, more than a few seconds delay can have catastrophic results. Safe-E-Stop protects your work teams with wireless personal e-stop devices, extending and enhancing your existing safety systems
At Cattron, formerly Laird Controls, we provide high-performance, wireless connectivity and control solutions for material handling applications all over the world, connecting devices, controlling machines and protecting assets at every turn.
One of those wireless solutions is Safe-E-Stop™, a wireless personal and machine safety device that provides an immediate emergency stop. Worn on a waist belt, Safe-E-Stop allows an individual or group to respond to an emergency instantly—without the delay of moving to a hardwired e-stop location.
Not only is it personal and machine safety where you need it, when you need it, Safe-E-Stop enables more effective material handling, allowing conveyor changes without rewiring safety circuits. It’s also useful in lockout/tagout operations, enabling testing under controlled and powered conditions.