Huron Technology Corporation has introduced the Hi-Speed Tote Stacker and De-Stacker which is ideal for high volume automated tote handling applications. The Tote Stacker and De-Stacker optimize the utilization of valuable floor space by effectively increasing the storage density of empty totes.
The system’s compact design makes it suitable for locations that require a small footprint. The Tote Stacker and De-Stacker provide an efficient way to transport full stacks of totes, leading to greater worker safety through reduced in-plant traffic and manual handling. The Tote Stacker & De-Stacker offers many practical options based on the application, with speed selection up to 20 totes per minute, pneumatic or electric actuation, and 24 VDC power capabilities. The Tote Stacker & De-Stacker is also maintenance-friendly and modular so it can easily fit within the current conveyor system.
Learn how you can better stack, store and save valuable floor space with their Tote Stacker and De-Stacker, and discover a safer, more organized facility.