PSI Engineering announced an automated packing slip solution that is an innovative and cost effective order fulfillment document shipping system that in one step laser prints, folds and applies a one piece packing slip, with shipping label, to the top or side of a package. The AutoSlip Direct combines three optional order fulfillment documents within one piece of laser printed paper; the ship label, packing slip and return label to form a one piece packing slip, which is then automatically applied to a carton or package. “A key feature of the one piece packing slip” states John Panunto, President of PSI Engineering, “is that the packing slip becomes the shipping label. No separate label printer and applicator is required which is often the case with traditional pack slip operations. Our mission is to improve the cost and speed of order fulfillment by developing world class automated document handling solutions that drive profitable revenue growth for our customers. We are excited to add Auto Slip Direct to our offering.” Concludes Mr. Panunto. The PSI Auto Slip Direct offers multi-document options that range from a letter size document format with half page packing slip and half page shipping label to a Full page packing slip using a legal size document to create a shipping label, pack slip and return label that forms a confidential one piece packing slip. The Autoslip Direct system offers companies the flexibility and scalability to change configurations when their pack station requirements change. The Auto Slip Direct’s high quality print delivers a permanent image that resists smudges and fading and produces a glare free packing slip that can easily be read by bar code scanners to keep order fulfillment lines moving so e-tailers can meet their same day shipping guarantees. PSI Engineering will be exhibiting at ProMat, McCormick Place in Chicago on January 21-24th – Booth # 1976